Club Kit
NEW STYLE Club Vests and Technical T-shirts
Please speak to Sam Parkhouse if you want one of these new vests or t-shirts.
Vests £22
Tech T's £24
Names can be added.
- Front OR back £6
- Front AND Back £9.50.
Please message Sam directly with what you want printed
All members are encouraged to wear a club vest or t-shirt when taking part in running events.
Hoodies are also available from Sam Parkhouse at £17.50 - please order these directly with her. Names can also be added for around £7
The preferred method of payment for vests and hoodies is by BACS direct into the club bank account:
Account Name: South Molton Strugglers
Sort code: 30-90-91 (Lloyds) Account number: 66258160
Please quote your name as the reference.